2020-06-12 608
Generally, a new car is painted with a total of 4 layers of paint:1、電泳漆層:這里要提一下在電泳漆層之前有一個工序是對鈑金磷化的,首要是在鈑金外表構成一層不溶于水的磷化膜,維護鈑金金屬,提高防腐蝕才能。電泳漆層涂裝是將整個車身悉數泡到電泳池里面,無死角翻滾侵泡,首要效果是防銹、防銹、是車身防銹的底層。電泳漆層2、中涂底漆層:其實電
2020-06-11 547
Before learning how to mix pigments, we should first understand some common sense about colors. The colors of objects in nature change greatly. The reason why people can see the color of an object is
2020-06-09 542
I won't go into detail about the maintenance items for car paint (waxing, polishing, sealing, and coating). Below are some examples of how we should maintain car paint on a daily basis.1. Try not
2020-06-05 560
1. Touching up the paint is not a trivial matter, it is necessary to go to a professional large automobile repair shop or specialized repair shop.2. Many colors of the repair paint are made before the
2020-06-03 522
The construction process of painting varies depending on the type of car, with different characteristics and emphasis. The primary coating component for heavy-duty cars is the front cab, which has the
2020-05-30 585
A total of 4 coats of paint are applied to a typical brand new vehicle:Car paint layer1. Electrophoretic paint layer: It should be mentioned here that before the electrophoretic paint layer, there is
2020-05-26 828
After the car is painted, one layer is sprayed with varnish. Sometimes there is a phenomenon of the varnish layer falling off, and the varnish layer cannot hang onto the color paint layer. The poor ap
2020-05-25 541
Where will the future development of car paint go? The rapid development of the economy has driven changes in the entire domestic market, and the development of the car paint industry has shown rapid
2020-05-22 497
轎車油漆維護項目(打蠟、拋光、封釉、鍍膜),這些的收費的保養項目我就不詳細介紹了,以下給咱們列舉一些咱們日常應該怎么維護轎車油漆。 1、盡量不要讓車暴曬。盡管轎車油漆由優良的耐候性、耐紫外線,但是時間一長車漆都會老化,褪色。 轎車油漆暴曬 2、大太陽下不要洗車,包含暴曬之后不要立刻洗車,經常這樣簡單導致油漆開裂。 太陽光下洗車 3、雨后要養成洗車的習慣,雨水并不能起到洗車效果,而是會
2020-05-21 558
1、 What is water-based paintWaterborne paint is a type of paint that uses water as a diluent and does not contain benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, or free TDI toxic heavy metals. It is non-toxi